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If I love you

Sep 12, 2024

If I love you I'll show it always

If you love me don't hold back


Why do we love them so much to the extent we can't live a day without them yet don't fully, unconditionally, willingly demonstrate it every waking hour we see them?


Have we lost track of the true meaning and feeling or don't want the hurt that might come with it?


Isn't that what it's all about? the truest surrender of them all.. the give in, the purest form or heart?


The mother, father, daughter, son, sisters and brothers, friends and besties... the ones.


Don't let a hiccup in your life ruin the rest of your living days, take the hit and come back to normal.


Love unconditionally. Forgive them and love them more. Watch the reflection of your feelings bounce of their vibes. For every affection theirs a reaction. The purest form of love is unconditional; No Limits, no restrictions, no predetermined guidelines.


Let that feeling soar, roar and rise up.. all you should do is ride its waves.


Have a great weekend.

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